Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Get behind me Satan

Satan does a fantastic job at distracting us.  He plants seeds of doubt.  He is always working on us to distract us from doing God's work.  But God is so much bigger and stronger.   The only way I can beat Satan at his own game, the only way I make sure sure he knows that he is not in control of my life...is to tell him so.  So right this minute in my prayers, I claim the power of Christ in my life and say "Get behind me Satan, God is leading my ways".  I will have to say it dozens of times today, but by doing so, God will make me stronger and stronger, and Satan will have no hold over me. 
I tell my children this all the time, but I know they don't have complete confidence in those words.  The seeds of doubt seem to plant and takes deep root.  Why are they such a stronghold over our youth?  Why is it so much easier for them to believe they are to short, to tall, to skinny, to fat, to dumb, a nurd, not pretty/handsome.  I know the answer, I just don't like it.  Satan is planting seeds of doubt, he uses other people to confirm these doubts and destroy the confidence and integrity that God has placed in them.  So today, I will confirm God's desire for them.  I will speak our Fathers words of encouragement and confidence to them.  I will not conform to Satan's plan to tear them down and make them doubt themselves.

"Heavenly Father, you created us in your image.  I do things everyday to degrade that image.  I get lazy, I doubt myself, I eat too much, I don't take care of myself as you would want me to do.  Be with me today as I try to do better.  I want to do better, I want to be better, I want to be more like you, and I want my children to do the same.  Father I ask you to guide the thoughts of my children.  I ask you to work hard in their hearts and minds to squash the seeds of doubt that the devil plants in them.  I ask you to put a wedge between them and those who seek to destroy them.  Send people into their path today to encourage and uplift them in your name!  Be with me today and I make every effort to speak your word to them, to instill in them that they are made in  your image, that they are yours.  Heavenly Father, put Satan behind me today so that all I say and do is pleasing to you.  Amen"

Friday, August 10, 2012

Horemonal cries

Sometime I just cry....no reason...I just cry. Sometimes I cry because I am so tired I can't think straight.  When I can feel the "cry" coming, I take a bubble bath and try to be alone for a few minutes.  (Mom's of girls know how impossible this is, even in the bath tub)  I take a hot wash cloth, put it over my face, lay back in the bubbles (usually hold on to a glass of wine) and just let he tears flow.  I always get a headache when I cry, but the next morning...I feel so much better. 
I'm not sure about boys and how their "crying cycle" goes.  But I do know boys have them.  From what my friends tell me, it is shown more with anger outbursts than crying.  We all know that's much more manly.  Right?  Wrong!!  I do have first hand experience with girl crying.  Having 12 and 14 year old girls in the house...well, let's just say every hour is a new experience.  They can not help what is going on inside them.  And when you add total exhaustion to the mix, WOW!  Crying, outbursts, anxiety, irrational thoughts, muscle cramps, ATTITUDE, dreams, headaches, the list goes on.  As a parent, the last natural reaction when they are out of control is sit down, hug them, tell them how much you love them.  First reaction..."Go to your room and don't come out until you can apologize to everyone and act better."  But is that what my Father God does to me when I act out and take my exhausted emotions out on His children.  Does he tell me to go somewhere out of his sight and use my own powers to pull myself together.  Absolutely not.  What does he do?  I think he says "Oh, Cindy.  Come here.  Sit at my feet.  Cry.  Let me hold you.  Let me remind me that I am in control and I want my Joy to fill you."  How much better would our household be if we could do as God does to us?  Pray with me.
"Father God, I am so thankful for your loving arms, for your unconditional love, for your patience wth me.  My life would be so out of control with out it.  I want my actions to my childrens actions and reactions to be like yours.  I want to provide the calm safety that I feel with you.  I want them to know that you are the ultimate provider of Joy and Peace, and I want them to feel that when they come into the safe haven of their home.  Help me to show them what is given to me.  Help me to teach them proper control of their exhausted emotions, but like you teach me Father, with a loving heart, a peaceful guidance, not parental out of control wrath.  And as you guide me, Father, be with my children.  As they go through trying emotional times, guide their heart and mind and tongue.  Show them the fruits of treating others with love and respect.  And give them peace and joy and forgiveness.  Thank you for giving it all to us, over and over and over and over.  Amen"

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A sigh of relief

I found out last night that the principal of the High School my oldest daugher will attend is a strong Christian Woman.   I already have 3 years experience at the Intermediate school my youngest is attending, so I know they are lead my Christian men and women.  Both girls have had strong Christian teachers in the public schools they have attended after 4 years of Christian Private shool.  It is comforting for me to know that their leaders look to our God for direction. 
As we get ready to send our most previous children back to school, I pray this morning for the teachers and those in authority.
Heavenly Father, you are the supreme authority and leader in my life.  When I walk by your commands and come to you in prayer, I am confident that you are working mightily in my life.  I feel your presence and I know all things are in your hands.  I pray that for the teachers and staff of schools as they start a new year of teaching and mentoring our young.  Father I pray that they look to you for guidance in all things.  I pray that they have a heart to rule with a kind tongue and loving heart.  Father, I ask that you use my children to encourage them, to respect them, to uplift them, and to share your love with them.  I pray that for each child who calls upon you, Father.  I ask that you be with me as I spend time at the school, as I help wih homework, as I send my children out the door, that my words and actions are pleasing to you. I pray Father, that my children leave their Christian home with confidence, knowing that you are with them and that they are yours.  I pray that their schools welcome them and together with you, we can educate in the ABC's and 123's.  I pray this in the name of Jesus!  Amen

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Making the team

As a parent, watching your children try out for a team or competing with their team can leave your stomach, heart, and nerves a wreck!!!  It is such a great feeling when your child "makes the team", and heart breaking when they don't.  The peace that comes over me as my child secures a spot on the Marching Band or makes the Volleyball team is a fantastic feeling.  But can you imagine what you have to go through and what you get to experience as a parent of an Olympian?????  I love watching the parents on the Olympics, and it is amazing what they have had to give up over the years.  Mostly, time away from their child. You hear stories of athletes who have been home 17 times in 11 years, 16 year olds who have been away from their family for 3 years so they could train.  I can't even imagine!  The great news for me this morning is that my family is on the best team ever,  God's Team, and we don't have to spend a second away from our Father in Heaven.  There is no Gold medal, but their is a crown waiting for each of us in Heaven.  The training process is tough.  God molds us and shapes us to be the athlete he wants us to be, and that can be grueling.  Like an Olympian, every day I have to make a decision, do I want to train today and listen to my coach, or do I want to slack off?  Today I pray that my family chooses to train.  I wish we lived in an Olympic Village where everyone had the same goals with minimum distractions, but we don't.  We live in a sinful world.  So this morning, my prayer is this:
"Heavenly Father, I am so thankful to be on your team.  Help me to be the team member that you want me to be.   Train me, shape me, mold me so that I can share the news of being on your team with those around me and my family.  Help me to train my children in the way that they should go, Your way!  When the going gets tough and they want to quit, encourage and renew them so that their victory is the ultimate victory...Life Everlasting, with you and all those who claim you as their savior.  I pray this in the name of Jesus.  Amen"

Friday, August 3, 2012

Grab the opportunities

My oldest daughter started Marching Band practice this week as a High School Freshman.  I don't know if Marching Band is a "sport" in all areas of the country, but in Texas, it is HUGE!  For three weeks before school starts, they practice from 7:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. with a three hour break in the peak heat of the afternoon.  The first few days are exhausting.  Excitement at starting something new, muscle cramps, time with friends, Texas heat, Team Spirit, New surroundings, memorizing sheet music in free time, learning to march formations, wondering if you are going to be the one who throws up today...and then hope you make the Marching group!!!!  Brad drove the carpool today, and minutes after drop off, I received the phone call.  "Mom, I didn't know I needed our marching instrument today and I don't want to march with my good flute.  Can you please bring me my marching one?  Please?  I'm sorry, I didn't know."  Hmmm, decision time.  Do I teach her a lesson and say "No.  I'll be late for work and you can use the one you have, just be careful" or do I show Grace?  I chose Grace and I am so glad I did.  I found an emotional teenage girl, tired from practice and having to wake up at 6 a.m. again, upset about the death of our dog this week...you know...just a broken down teenage girl.  I got to spend a few minutes in the Band room with her, alone, in her new environment.  It was comforting for me, and I think for her too.  We were joined by her band direcgtor who was amazingly supportive and gave her high praise to her dedication and participation.  So this morning, my prayer is this:
"Heavenly Father, thank you so much for teaching me, but mostly for showing me your Grace, your favor!  I don't deserve it, but because I am your child, I get it!!!  Just the thought of it makes me smile.  I ask you to guide me as I teach my children the lessons and responsibilities that will make them the women you have designed them to be.  Because they are your children, I know that your Grace surrounds them.  They get to live and walk in your favor daily.  Guide me, Father, as I strive to teach them in your grace.  Help meto  be like the women of character in the Bible, drawing close to you, and parenting in your light.  Be with my children as their summer winds down and their school responsibilites kick it.  Guide their hearts and minds and protect them from the influence of evil.  Send Godly men and women, boys and girls, into their lives as teachers, mentors, and friends.  And I pray that they know and feel your presence and walk in your forgiveness and Grace.  Amen"

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Couch Potato Olympics

Our family loves to watch the Olympics.  I'm not sure what I love more, actually watching the Olympic Games or having all 4 of us agree on the same show to watch and being together for hours cheering on team USA.  We are inventing our own Olympic games - "Couch Potato Olympics", and last night the girls invented "Syncronized Lounging".  They were awarded a God Medal. 
One of my favorite things to experience during the Games are the interviews with the Olympians after hey have won a medal.  I love it when they are looking for their parents in the crowd and when they say how Blessed they are and when they thank God.  Sometimes I feel guilty for sitting in front of the TV for hours upon hours watching the events.  But with all the nonsense on tv, I love the athletes that show that hard work and persiverance pay off, but that the glory goes to God. 
Heavenly Father, I thank you for all the gifts and abilities you have given us.  With all that we have, Father, I want to give you the glory.  I want to raise thankful children who know that you deserve the glory.  Help me raise them to love you, Lord.  Show me where I fail, and put me back on the right path.  I want your fruits to multiply in them.  I know that you have hidden yourself in their heart and that you will use them for Your good!  Mold us and shape us to be the children you are proud of.  We love you and want to be more like you.  Amen

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Heart and Soul

Two years ago, my 10 year old daughter had saved up $250 to buy the puppy of her dreams.  She took 100% care of her baby.  All the feeding, bathing, etc.  Star would sit on her backpack everymorning as if to say "Momma, don't leave".  I would walk the dog to the bus stop and watch her little 5 lb. body wiggle with delight when her momma got off the bus.  Our little "Star" died suddenly this past week and the loss has hit hard.  But harder for me, has been watching my baby struggle with her loss. 
When I had my first child, I said it felt like someone had put arms and legs on my heart and set it free.  When my second came along, it felt like it was my soul that  had grown arms and legs.  The joy and pain of experiencing the joy and pain of your children is unexplainable.  Words can not express the emotions.  So many thoughts run through my mind this morning as I pray.  They run through my mind, unorganized and emotional.  But right now, my prayer is this...
Heavenly Father, you know the ultimate pain and the ultimate joy.  I think of you right now as you looked on as your son suffered.  I always thank Jesus for suffering for my sins, but today, I thank you for enduring the pain of watching your child suffer for me.  I want to model your parenting.  I want to look down at my child and say I am here.  I want to be patient and loving.  I want to be present when they cry out to me, "why?"  I want them to know that it is safe for them to crawl into my loving arms.  Father, I know that you are with me, that your arms are wrapped around me and my children.  Thank you for holding us tight and never letting us go.  When we try to stray from the comfort of those arms, Father, hold us tight and never let us go.  Amen!