Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Couch Potato Olympics

Our family loves to watch the Olympics.  I'm not sure what I love more, actually watching the Olympic Games or having all 4 of us agree on the same show to watch and being together for hours cheering on team USA.  We are inventing our own Olympic games - "Couch Potato Olympics", and last night the girls invented "Syncronized Lounging".  They were awarded a God Medal. 
One of my favorite things to experience during the Games are the interviews with the Olympians after hey have won a medal.  I love it when they are looking for their parents in the crowd and when they say how Blessed they are and when they thank God.  Sometimes I feel guilty for sitting in front of the TV for hours upon hours watching the events.  But with all the nonsense on tv, I love the athletes that show that hard work and persiverance pay off, but that the glory goes to God. 
Heavenly Father, I thank you for all the gifts and abilities you have given us.  With all that we have, Father, I want to give you the glory.  I want to raise thankful children who know that you deserve the glory.  Help me raise them to love you, Lord.  Show me where I fail, and put me back on the right path.  I want your fruits to multiply in them.  I know that you have hidden yourself in their heart and that you will use them for Your good!  Mold us and shape us to be the children you are proud of.  We love you and want to be more like you.  Amen

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Heart and Soul

Two years ago, my 10 year old daughter had saved up $250 to buy the puppy of her dreams.  She took 100% care of her baby.  All the feeding, bathing, etc.  Star would sit on her backpack everymorning as if to say "Momma, don't leave".  I would walk the dog to the bus stop and watch her little 5 lb. body wiggle with delight when her momma got off the bus.  Our little "Star" died suddenly this past week and the loss has hit hard.  But harder for me, has been watching my baby struggle with her loss. 
When I had my first child, I said it felt like someone had put arms and legs on my heart and set it free.  When my second came along, it felt like it was my soul that  had grown arms and legs.  The joy and pain of experiencing the joy and pain of your children is unexplainable.  Words can not express the emotions.  So many thoughts run through my mind this morning as I pray.  They run through my mind, unorganized and emotional.  But right now, my prayer is this...
Heavenly Father, you know the ultimate pain and the ultimate joy.  I think of you right now as you looked on as your son suffered.  I always thank Jesus for suffering for my sins, but today, I thank you for enduring the pain of watching your child suffer for me.  I want to model your parenting.  I want to look down at my child and say I am here.  I want to be patient and loving.  I want to be present when they cry out to me, "why?"  I want them to know that it is safe for them to crawl into my loving arms.  Father, I know that you are with me, that your arms are wrapped around me and my children.  Thank you for holding us tight and never letting us go.  When we try to stray from the comfort of those arms, Father, hold us tight and never let us go.  Amen!

Friday, July 27, 2012


Two years ago I started this Blog "Pray Momma Pray" because I was praying so hard for my own girls that I wanted to pray for all their friends and also provide my friends with thoughts that would hopefully stimulate their own prayers.  I have NOT been a good Blogger!!!  I have started and stopped these posts based on my needs and not the needs of others, and for that, I am sorry! 
As a new discipline of my own, I want to post daily prayers on behalf of our children.  I want to ask you to join me in this effort.  Pray with me, share the Blog if you feel it can benefit others, and if you follow the blog and see that I don't post for a day or two...please hold me accountable!  If you have prayer suggestions for our children, let me know and we can raise these up together.