Sunday, August 29, 2010

Blessings others with what we have been given

Our church took on the challenge to provide two sets of uniforms to 135 students in North Galveston County who did not have uniforms for school.  Last year we provided uniforms to 50 kids, and the challenge of 135 was a shock at first.  But, as usual, God provided.  Not only were the members of Living Word generous with their shopping and financial gifts, but people of the community responded with such open arms.  So this morning, we loaded up the girls and went to Lighthouse Christian Ministries to pass out uniforms.  It was a very educational experience for them.  Most of the parents of the children do not speak any English.  The children are translating so the parents can understand.  Although we have spent time serving at LCM before, and have spent time with Katrina evacuees, it is still shocking to see the need of some people right at our back door.
Father, show me how to raise children who know that we are here to help those who have less.  We are so thankful for the blessings you poor out on each of us.  Thank you for taking our talents and adding your "super" to our "natural" causing us to experience things we never though possible.  Continue to bless us Father so that we can bless others!  Amen!!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thankful for rest!

Saturday couldn't get here fast enough.  I am so thankful for a day to sleep in!  Oh, there is so much to do.  Literally, every room in my house looks like a tornado went through it.  Do I spend this day cleaning or do I spend it relaxing with the girls?  Hmmmm, I choose option #2.  There is always Monday, after the girls go back to school, to clean.  I know...I shouldn't put off until tomorrow what I can do today.  But doesn't that go for play time and rest too? 
Thank you Father for this day.  Thank you for rest.  Show me how to use this relaxing time to best rejuvinate me so that I can serve you more.  Father, I desire rest for my girls this weekend so that they go back to school with a bounce in their step.  Light your fire in them and fill them with your uplifting Love.  Thank you for letting me rest in you!  There is no better comfort than knowing I can always rest in you.

Friday, August 27, 2010


We survived the first week back at school.  Yipeeeee.  Everyone is very tired and looking forward to sleeping in Saturday morning.  But, we did it. 
Heavenly Father, thank you again for answering every need.  Forgive me for ever doubting and not trusting you completely.  Thank you, Father, for being with my children every step of every day.   I am so thankful that I know that is true.  I pray for those parents who don't have peace in that knowledge.  Send people into their lives to share your word with them.  Use me, Father, to share that peace with others.  Amen.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Well, day three of the new school year is off to a slow start.  No one wants to get moving.  The adreneline of the first two days is gone and reality has set in.  Homework has taken the place of wii and tv time.  School is ok, but time at home in pj's until mid morning sounds much better!
Dear Father, be with us today and give us what we need to make it through today and the rest of this week.  Give us restful sleep and raise us excited to face the day and serve you.  Thank you for a great start to our week.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I didn't see it coming

First day of school, happy to get everyone back into a schedule.  You drop the kids off for school, and then boom.  It hits you like a ton of bricks.  Lump in your throat and tears in your eyes.  Why am I tearing up, I ask myself?  Every year, the same thing.  I'm told by friends with older children that it doesn't stop.  First day of PreSchool, Kindergarten, Jr. High, High School, College, First job, the first time you drop them off with friends at the mall or a movie, first date, Prom, the list is endless.  They are all milestones in our childrens lives and in ours.  So my tears are of joy.  We have successfully raised them to this point.  Tears of sorrow because we can never have these days back again.  Tears of fear because I am not in control of their day or the people they will encounter.  Tears of peace because my days will be...less hectic, yet lonely.  Tears of excitement because they have so much to look forward to. 
Dear Father, be with me today while I struggle through the list of emotions.  I know they are your children and you will work good in everything that happens to them today.  I am confident of that.  Thank you for letting me sit at your feet today and cry a little.  Be with the kids today as they struggle through their list of emotions.  Excitement to see their friends, anxiety about leaving home, fear of their schedule and whether or not their friends will be in their class.  Father, calm their souls, keep them at ease as they move through out their day.  I pray this in the name of your Son, who you watch grow and ultimately crucified for me!  Wow!!!  Thank you Father!!  Amen

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Teachers need our prayers

Well...summer break is over.  A few more days or hours and we will be putting the kids on a bus or driving them to school or watch them get on their bikes and head off.  What a blessing it has been for me to work from home this summer and have valuable time with the girls.  I am so thankful for that time, while looking forward to them heading back to school.  I have some guilt feelings about looking forward to sending them back to school...but not too guilty.  I look forward to seeing their hungry and tired faces every afternoon, and having discussions about their day.
Father, tonight I pray for the teachers as they get ready to spend long hours with our children.  Surround our kids with Christian instructors who have a love for you and for learning.  Be with these instructors and educators as they prepare for their days of instruction.  Father, use your teachers to be a great influence on each of our children.  I pray for Godly influence Father.  Amen!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home

It's always nice going away for a few days, but it is wonderful to come home!  Just think how wonderful it will feel when we reach our final home, heaven.  In the meantime, I praise and thank God that I have a home to come "home" to.  Even our girls love coming "home:.  We were in Disney in June and while the girls were enjoying every second of the excitement that comes with a Florida vacation, they still wanted to be home.  "Mom, don't you wish our beds were here?"  "I would love to take a bath in my bath tub."  "I miss my fish, I miss my rabbit, I miss my dog."
Father, I thank you for providing for my needs of food and shelter.  Your promise is that you will provide this for your people, but your promise did not include the style of living we currently enjoy.  I thank you for this extra measure of blessing!  I ask that you show us how to use our "home" to serve others.  Father, I pray that our girls continue to appreciate this blessing.  I know that you will always give them what is NEEDED, and I pray that you allow them to use the gifts and abilities you have given them to build a life that is glorifying to you and that they will always use what they have to serve you and others.

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Day with Family

Spending an entire day with family can be fun and draining at the same time.  Isn't it amazing that you still have sibling arguements for your entire life?  Sorry, I shouldn't assume every family is like mine.  That would really be kind of scary! 
Seriously, after spending the day with my parents who are celebrating 50 years of marriage, my two sisters, brother-in law, God-son, my two girls and their 6 cousins, I am very thankful for family.  I am thankful for parents who love us all unconditionally, and have always put God first.
Heavenly Father, I pray that you protect our family relationship.  Keep our eyes focused on you.  Keep our bonds strong so that we can support and love each other through all trials.  Father I want us to model your love so that we can show others how to love.  Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that our family relationship with my brother David be reunited.  I ask that whatever seperates him from us be cast away.  I pray healing where needed in our family and for all families that pray this prayer.  Unite us, in your precious name!  Amen

Thursday, August 12, 2010

50th wedding anniversary

We are celebrating my parents 50th wedding anniversary this weekend.  It is a time when the immediate family will gather and have fun.  Like Christmas, but without gifts.  I think I like this better!  What a blessing it is to have parents who have stuck it out for 50 years.  My In-laws also celebrated their 50th a few years ago.  I know there were hard times, but they had God on their side, and called upon Him during those rocky times.
Heavenly Father, I pray that you strengthen the bond between my spouce and I so that we can live out our promises we made to each other for a biblical marriage.  I pray tonight for my future son-in-laws.  Father, I know you have someone picked out for them.  I pray that these boys are surrounded by Godly people that will nurture their spiritual needs and raise them to be strong in the Lord.  I pray that my girls look to You for guidance when dating and discovering relationships.  Father, I know you will be with them during this time, and  I pray that they look to you and to you alone for guidance.   Amen

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Light the Fire!

Oh, how I pray that my girls will have an internal fire for their christian walk!  It is tough out there!  I wish I had it when I was their age.  I often think I have it now, but way to quick I find that the flames are extinguished!  I want those flames to burn constantly.  I want my daily activities to burn with the love of Christ.  I want...I want....I want.  I'm sorry Lord, I fall short!  I can read the Bible, pray, go to worship, and I can teach my girls the same.  But only the Holy Spirit can ignite the fire within.
Dear Father, I ask that you light your fire in the heart of my family, of me, and of my husband, daily, hourly!  I pray that you take my sinful ways and work your good.  For you have promised that you will work Good in All Things!  Father I give you my heart, I pray that you light the fire in me and my family that ONLY you can light.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My mind is spinning

I'm having trouble praying tonight.  A lot going on, nothing terrible, just enough to cause stress that causes me to focus on myself instead of God. 
Right now, I pray that God give me patience and forgiveness.  I pray that I can show love and kindness to my children,  because it would be so easy to redirect my anger towards them.  Amen.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Evening with friends

I spent the evening with a dear friend of mine.  A great couple who raise their two girls with the same values as we raise ours.  We spent the evening talking about so many things.  We agree and disagree, that is why we are friends.  We have been friends for almost 8 years and have seen our children through struggles that we thought were monumental.  But, wow, I know we haven't seen anything yet.  They aren't driving, dating, working, etc.  They aren't making all of their decisions without mommy and daddy yet.  We can discuss what we "want" for our girls until the cows come home (ok...that is just wrong) but, ultimately, I have to go to bed tonight (I know I should say "I GET to go to bed tonight") knowing that they are not only children of mine, but children of God. 
God, I want to be more like those few parents I know that trust you completely.  That love you more than they love their children.  That love and praise you even when death seperates them from their children.  I can not even imagine that pain dear Lord.  I want to praise you even when my girls make decisions that are not pleasing to me.  Be with them Father, as they struggle through life's challenges.  Equip me with the words and actions that continually show them that you are always there for them.  Protect them heavenly Father!  In Jesus name!

Monday, August 2, 2010

I am trusting you Lord Jesus

When my daughter was born 9 weeks premature, I was so afraid to leave her alone in a room.  The Dr.'s and nurses talked about the high incidence of SIDS among premature babies.  I couldn't even think about it.  So I thought I would sit vigil 24/7.  My mom would take the 11-2 shift, I would take 2-6, Brad would take 6-8 until he would leave for work, and then my mom and I would tag team.  This went on for weeks.  Then, since I had never heard of a baby dying of SIDS in a car seat, I left Ella in her car seat to sleep.  This went on for an entire year.  Crazy, I know.
Then a friend of mine said "Cindy, She is in her home, in her bed, the safest place she is ever going to be.  If you can't trust her to Jesus while she is sleeping in your own home, how are you ever going to let her walk into the back yard?"  She was so right.  I prayed that night that God would forgive me for my insecurity and lack of trust.  But I still hold on to a little piece of that fear.
God, I know they are your children and I can not possibly keep them from all harm.  Forgive me for not trusting you completely with my most valuabe gifts.  Father, send your guardian angels to protect them from evil.  And give me the faith to know that you will work good even when they stumble and fall.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


We have been studying the Fruits of the Spirit at church, and today was Faithfulness.  The fruit is something we were made to share. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, and Selfcontrol.  All characteristics of Christ that show up in us when we give our lives of to Him.
God, I want to show all of those qualities when parenting my children.  First of all, because that is how you treat me and expect me to treat others.  And second, because I want my children to ooze those qualities.  Forgive me for falling short, and show me how to practice faithfulness with them so that they may show You to others.