Monday, September 13, 2010

Everything I need to know I learned Sept. 13, 2008

Two years ago today the Texas Gulf Coast suffered the devestation of Hurricane Ike.  While the destruction was a terrible event that still is visible in our area today, I learned so many things!  First of all, I learned that everything that is of importance to me can fit in my car!  I learned that Friends are truly a gift from God and that I never want to be with out them.  I learned I can live without gas, but life without electricity is rough!  However, no electricity actually helps the family grow stronger.  I learned that without tv, radio, and AC, we get to know our neighbors better.  AND GOD IS GOOD!
Lord God, thank you for being with us through everything life hands us.  Forgive us Father when we forget that you are with us.  Forgive us for sitting in our struggles and just hanging there.  Help us to get up and help others.  We know that you give us all that we have so that we can help others, but I sure forget that more than I want to admit!  Help me Father, to teach my children what is important in life.  First and foremost, you, and then family, friends, and those you put around us.  Thank you Father for all of the blessings you pour out on each of us every day.  Teach us to use them for your glory!  Amen

Friday, September 3, 2010

sick of being sick!

My husband and I have spent the entire week fighting off a cold that has wiped out every bit of energy we had.  I hate the feeling of total blah.  No other way to describe it.  Then, when having coffee this morning with a friend, I get the call from the school.  "Ella is in the nurses office not feeling well."  Bummer!  Then the questions start going through my head.  Is she "really" sick?  Is she just not feeling well and being a little lazy?  Is she nervous about the two tests she has today and just wants out of them?  Ahhhh the joys of motherhood.  You know, no fever, not throwing up, you go to school.  Well, I know how bad I felt when I was first coming down with it, so off to school I go. 
Heavenly Father, I pray that your healing hand be on my entire family today and through out this weekend.  Give us rest and healing in your name.  As Brad is in the doctors office right now, I pray that you be with the doctor and bring healing to Brad.  Be with both girls this weekend and give them what is needed for rest and healing so that we can all hit the ground running Sunday as you use us as your instruments!  Amen!