Friday, August 10, 2012

Horemonal cries

Sometime I just reason...I just cry. Sometimes I cry because I am so tired I can't think straight.  When I can feel the "cry" coming, I take a bubble bath and try to be alone for a few minutes.  (Mom's of girls know how impossible this is, even in the bath tub)  I take a hot wash cloth, put it over my face, lay back in the bubbles (usually hold on to a glass of wine) and just let he tears flow.  I always get a headache when I cry, but the next morning...I feel so much better. 
I'm not sure about boys and how their "crying cycle" goes.  But I do know boys have them.  From what my friends tell me, it is shown more with anger outbursts than crying.  We all know that's much more manly.  Right?  Wrong!!  I do have first hand experience with girl crying.  Having 12 and 14 year old girls in the house...well, let's just say every hour is a new experience.  They can not help what is going on inside them.  And when you add total exhaustion to the mix, WOW!  Crying, outbursts, anxiety, irrational thoughts, muscle cramps, ATTITUDE, dreams, headaches, the list goes on.  As a parent, the last natural reaction when they are out of control is sit down, hug them, tell them how much you love them.  First reaction..."Go to your room and don't come out until you can apologize to everyone and act better."  But is that what my Father God does to me when I act out and take my exhausted emotions out on His children.  Does he tell me to go somewhere out of his sight and use my own powers to pull myself together.  Absolutely not.  What does he do?  I think he says "Oh, Cindy.  Come here.  Sit at my feet.  Cry.  Let me hold you.  Let me remind me that I am in control and I want my Joy to fill you."  How much better would our household be if we could do as God does to us?  Pray with me.
"Father God, I am so thankful for your loving arms, for your unconditional love, for your patience wth me.  My life would be so out of control with out it.  I want my actions to my childrens actions and reactions to be like yours.  I want to provide the calm safety that I feel with you.  I want them to know that you are the ultimate provider of Joy and Peace, and I want them to feel that when they come into the safe haven of their home.  Help me to show them what is given to me.  Help me to teach them proper control of their exhausted emotions, but like you teach me Father, with a loving heart, a peaceful guidance, not parental out of control wrath.  And as you guide me, Father, be with my children.  As they go through trying emotional times, guide their heart and mind and tongue.  Show them the fruits of treating others with love and respect.  And give them peace and joy and forgiveness.  Thank you for giving it all to us, over and over and over and over.  Amen"

1 comment:

  1. Love your blogs. You write what we think, but cannot express as well! Thank u
