Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Get behind me Satan

Satan does a fantastic job at distracting us.  He plants seeds of doubt.  He is always working on us to distract us from doing God's work.  But God is so much bigger and stronger.   The only way I can beat Satan at his own game, the only way I make sure sure he knows that he is not in control of my life...is to tell him so.  So right this minute in my prayers, I claim the power of Christ in my life and say "Get behind me Satan, God is leading my ways".  I will have to say it dozens of times today, but by doing so, God will make me stronger and stronger, and Satan will have no hold over me. 
I tell my children this all the time, but I know they don't have complete confidence in those words.  The seeds of doubt seem to plant and takes deep root.  Why are they such a stronghold over our youth?  Why is it so much easier for them to believe they are to short, to tall, to skinny, to fat, to dumb, a nurd, not pretty/handsome.  I know the answer, I just don't like it.  Satan is planting seeds of doubt, he uses other people to confirm these doubts and destroy the confidence and integrity that God has placed in them.  So today, I will confirm God's desire for them.  I will speak our Fathers words of encouragement and confidence to them.  I will not conform to Satan's plan to tear them down and make them doubt themselves.

"Heavenly Father, you created us in your image.  I do things everyday to degrade that image.  I get lazy, I doubt myself, I eat too much, I don't take care of myself as you would want me to do.  Be with me today as I try to do better.  I want to do better, I want to be better, I want to be more like you, and I want my children to do the same.  Father I ask you to guide the thoughts of my children.  I ask you to work hard in their hearts and minds to squash the seeds of doubt that the devil plants in them.  I ask you to put a wedge between them and those who seek to destroy them.  Send people into their path today to encourage and uplift them in your name!  Be with me today and I make every effort to speak your word to them, to instill in them that they are made in  your image, that they are yours.  Heavenly Father, put Satan behind me today so that all I say and do is pleasing to you.  Amen"

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